When I started to interest in 90's newschool hardcore main storages of information were blogspots. I remember I found Stuck In The Past, then H-8000 Central etc. And one of the greatest interesting blogs was Path To Misery
I discovered many interesting bands from it. Path To Misery is followed by AJ.
But Path To Misery isn't only website. Also there is hardcore band where AJ also played. This guys are really brutal political hardcore metal in the vein of Cast From Eden, Cherem etc. They mixed mosh metal with some newschool elements and strongly political message. They recorded really angry full length. 9 great songs! I like them. If you are tired from chugga-chugga and want some fresh energy stuff chech Path To Misery. All lyrics and some info about band included in .rar.
path to misery - st CD

And guys, if you liked this band you can find 2 demos from Path To Misery on AJ blog - http://pathtomisery.blogspot.com/
Great band!