All download archives in this blog include ALL INSERTS, LYRIC SHITS, COVERS ETC.

Hardcore is not only good music, it's also great lyrics and political message.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Rob Fish (famous by vocals in 108) started this band. This is first seven inch that was released by New Age Records. Canonic 90's newschool hardcore in best traditions. Other members also played in Release, 108, The Judas Factor, Floorpunch, Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, Armalite and Paint It Black. Later I will put here all the rest releases.

ressurection - 1993 - st 7'' (new age records)


Эту группу собрал Роб Фиш который сейчас уже на протяжении многих лет рубится в 108. Это первая семерка которая была издана на New Age Records. Каноничный нюскул хардкор 90-ых в лучшых традициях. Другие участники также играли в Release, 108, The Judas Factor, Floorpunch, Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, Armalite и Paint It Black. Позже выложу остальные релизы.

1 comment:

  1. одна из самых любимых!
    жду продолжения )
